Over time, the seals of your compartment doors may become cracked or torn. Keystone's Bart Taylor walks you through step-by-step to remove and replace your seals so they are as good as new.
Tools Required:
- Proper length of new Seal for the door
- Scissors
- Adhesive remover
- Isopropyl alcohol (or adhesive promoter)
- Rubber gloves
- Flashlight
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Start by removing the old seal.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Clean up the surface using adhesive remover and then prep the surface with alcohol
-         Starting at the bottom begin to install the new seal. Work it around the corners until you arrive back at the bottom. Note: It’s important to install with the seam at the bottom of the door. If you install with the seam at the top, water has a better chance of making it thru and doing damage to your RV. Having the seal at the bottom leaves the water nowhere else to go but out and away.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Now close the door and with a flash light make sure the door is sealed all around, if not you need to make adjustments as needed.